Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Be Ye Humble


"You rescue those who are humble, but you humiliate
the proud. Psalm 18:27 NLT

The high and lofty one who inhabits eternity, the Holy One,
says this: "I live in that high and holy place with those
whose spirits are contrite and humble. I refresh the humble
and give new courage to those with repentant hearts."
Isaiah 57:15 NLT


I really can't begin to tell you how many sermons I have
heard on the subject of Pride and Humility. I've given a few
myself. We are constantly reminded that the original sin was
the sin of pride. Adam and Eve were so full of pride they elevated
themselves above God. Boy did they Blow It. Then we are told
to be humble, a kind of self effacing humility. To elevate yourself
above God is wrong, but to destroy one's self-worth is certainly
not acceptable because it cheapens the high worth God placed
upon us when He created us in His own image. Contrary to
what Martin Luther stated we are not worms. We are people
that God loved so much He gave His Son to die for our sins.
You see we have great value in God's eyes. My goal is to
see myself as God sees me.


Oh Lord thank you for creating me in your own image.
Make humble to the fact that you are my creator, and
that Your love is my biggest desire. THANK YOU GOD


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