What if Christ had not been raised from the dead?
Scripture: The Resurrection (Matthew 28: 1-20)
What if Christ had not been raised from the dead?
a. All that is within the Gospels would be empty and
meaningless (1Corinthians 15:14). All the proclamations
would have been lies, fairytales, myths, stories of fiction.
b. Our faith would also be empty and meaningless
1Corinthians 15:14). Our faith would be a lie, a
fairytale, non fiction.
c. The disciples were liars( 1Corintians 15:15). Either
they told the truth or they were liar. They swore He
was alive, they even stated that Christ was with them
for 40 days after His death Acts 10:39-41).
d. We would still be lost to sin. There would be no
recovery, no redemption (1Corinthians 15:17). Jesus
Christ would have been a liar and mentally ill to die on
the cross.
c. Believers would die, there would be no eternal life
1Corinthians 15:18).
Resurrection Prayer
O Risen Lord,
the way, the truth and the life,
make us faithful followers
of the spirit of your resurrection.
Grant that we may be inwardly
renewed; dying to ourselves
in order that you may live in us.
May our lives serve as signs
of the transforming power of your love
Use us as your instruments
for the renewal of society,
bring your life and love to all
and leading them to your Church.
This we ask of you, Lord Jesus,
living and reigning with the Father,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God forever. Amen
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