Friday, June 22, 2007



Mat 6:14-15
(New International Version)
For if you forgive men when they sin against
you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.
But if you do not forgive men their sins, your
Father will not forgive your sins.

(King James Version)
"For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your
heavenly Father will also forgive you: But if
ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither
will your Father forgive your trespasses."


Isn't it hard to forgive, I mean really forgive a person
who has wronged you so much that it is in your heart
and mind constantly. I have a person like that in my
life. This person knowingly let me physically suffer
for many years without ever helping me. This person
was not there for me as a matter of fact purposely stayed
away from me. I literally hated this person for a long time.
I desperately needed this person and this person wasn't
there for me. I used to say I can forgive but I can't forget.
That was a lie that I was saying to myself. Because I
really wasn't forgiving. It was an excuse I used to make to
myself in order to feel like a Christian. You see I new
Christ expected me to forgive, it was basic to my
Christian faith and I needed an excuse to continue to hate
and still feel like a Christian. Well I can honestly say
that I have learned to forgive this person. I really do.
How did I learn this valuable lesson? I followed the
example of my Savior Jesus Christ, when in complete
pain on the executioner's cross states, "Father Forgive Them
For They Know Not What They Do." If He can do it for
me, I can do it for Him and myself. Boy do I feel a lot
better! I now have this person back in my life, and this
person never asked for any forgiveness but I gave it anyway.
What joy there is in my life. Amen, Amen.......


Thank you Lord for forgiving me of all my sins, thank you
for loving me so much that you forgive me each and every day
If you can forgive lord, I can forgive. Thank you for your

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Here is a prayer I always keep in my heart.


May We Feel Compassion

Oh Lord Jesus may each of us find
our true path and learn from our
mistakes and accept each other's
pathway and not feel, show, or
express disapproval with the
choices the other makes.
Oh Jesus may we feel compassion
instead of hatred, love instead of
anger, and an acceptance not only
of others but of ourselves as well.
May each of us do all of the above
in a mindful and spiritual way.

source: Beliefnet prayer circle

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Homeless, Compassion is Love in Action!


"They desired only that we should remember the poor."
(Galatians 2:10)


One of the most rewarding experiences of my ministry.
is working with the homeless. Contrary to the image
displayed in the media, they are wonderful people. I
believe it is true that many homeless people are
what is referred to as "Mental Institutions Castaways".
For this very reason, as Christians, they deserve from
us, caring, compassion, understanding and assistance.
It is true that we are to share the Gospel with the
spiritually needed in search of their heavenly home.
But we also must never neglect or forget those who
are poor and homeless. Vernon Grounds once stated
"A heart for God will also be a heart for the homeless".

Prayer: (St. Francis)

Quote for the Day

Dorothy Day
Founder of the Catholic Worker Movement

"Martyrdom is not gallantly standing before a firing squad.
Usually it is losing a job because of not taking a loyalty oath
or buying a war bond, or paying a tax. Martyrdom is small,
hidden, misunderstood."