(Jesus said) "But his citizens hated him and sent a
delegation after him, saying, 'We do not want this man
to reign over us'" (Luke 19:14).
Read Luke 19:11-27
Jesus' choice to stay with the chief tax collector
Zacchaeus divides the crowd. Some are upset Jesus
is associating with such an open sinner. Others think
God's kingdom will appear at once when He reaches the
Jewish capital Jerusalem. Jesus tells a parable that
answers both ideas.
The people have no trouble picturing His story of a
nobleman traveling to a distant country to have himself
proclaimed king. That was the way the Roman Empire
worked. Herod the Great left the land of Palestine and
travelled to Rome before Emperor Augustus proclaimed
him king. Only then could he return to rule.
Jesus pictures Himself as that nobleman-the great Son of
David and Son of God. Instead of beginning His reign when
He enters Jerusalem, He will be murdered by His enemies.
But after His resurrection He will leave the earth, ascending
into heaven where the Father will proclaim Him King. Then
on the Last Day-and not until that Day-Jesus will return to
reward His faithful servants and establish His kingdom on
the new earth.
Now Jesus turns to His enemies. He has shown great
patience, humility, grace, mercy and love toward them, but
they have hated Him, without cause. He warns that the time
of judgment is coming. He will return with His angel armies
to capture His enemies and slaughter them.
To our ears that judgment sounds harsh. But Christ your
King has given you fair warning. If you will not bow your knee
to Him in faith, you will forfeit your life and suffer eternally
in hell.
Almighty God, You have established Your Son as the Ruler
of all things in heaven and on earth. Break through my
rebellious heart that I may love Him and serve Him now and
through all eternity. I pray in Jesus' Name. Amen.
Lenten Devotions from Lutheran Hour Ministries
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