Thursday, January 17, 2008

Wow! What a Statement.


"Jesus said to her, I am the One Who raises the
dead and gives them life. Anyone who puts his
trust in Me will live again, even if he dies. Anyone
who lives and has put his trust in Me will never
die. Do you believe this?" (John 11:25, 26) NLT


Wow! what a statement, can you believe the arrogance.
To actually tell people that if you trust in Me you will
live forever. How can the man expect me to believe
something like that? Well I do. You see I trust Jesus
Christ. It's hard not to believe in the Son of God. As
you read the scripture you begin to realize that
this Jesus was not just a prophet, not just a teacher,
not just a priest. He was God incarnate. We just
celebrated Christmas, when God became man.
Maybe it's time to sit back and really think about
what we believe. It seems to me that belief is
centered around trust. I really can't believe unless
I can trust. Well I put my trust in God. I trust
God's Son, Who died for me so that I now will
live forever. How about you do you trust in God,
do you trust His son, Will you live forever?
These are important questions. I really hope
and pray that you believe. Because I want to meet
you in heaven!!!!!'


Oh God my Father thank You for Your Son, I trust
You and I believe. Thank You for eternal life. THANK


"War may sometimes be a necessary evil. but no matter
how necessary, it is always an evil, never a good"

Jimmy Carter


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