It Is Finished!”
This Friday of Holy Week is the day that is called “Good Friday". It was a bad Friday
for Jesus, since He suffered unbearable pain and anguish on that day. But it was a
good Friday for us, since all of our sins were atoned for by His suffering and death.
On Good Friday He hung suspended on the cross for 6 hours, including those dark
afternoon hours. About 3:00 PM Jesus said in a loud voice, “It is finished!” (Jn 19: 30).
Shortly thereafter “He bowed his head and gave up his spirit.” He died.
Jesus said, “It is finished!” What was finished? His life? His sufferings? Yes,
but even more than that….His mission was accomplished. All that He had come
to do for us and for our salvation was accomplished. “It is finished!” With that
He is telling us, “Be of good cheer, your sins are forgiven!” “It is finished!” is the guarantee
of the peace of mind that we can have in knowing that our sins are fully paid for and we
are thus reconciled to God. “It is finished!” is His assurance to us that the way has been
cleared for us to someday enter eternal life in heaven.
On this Good Friday we will again be standing beneath the cross of Christ. We could
say we were there when they crucified our Lord. We were there, because our sins
were there. God laid on Him the iniquity of us all. Our sins were there and they were
fully atoned for by Him. That’s why this is a Good Friday for us and why we take
great comfort in Jesus’ words, “It is finished!”
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