Monday, May 26, 2008

A Memorial Day Prayer

Gracious Lord, heavenly Father, on this day the
minds of men are turned in memory to those who
have laid down their lives in defense of our country.
We indeed owe a debt of gratitude to them who
gave their all that we as a nation may continue
our way of life.. Grant that we worthily carry on
where they have left off that our country may
enjoy for generation to come peace and
freedom. May we honor them by bringing the
tribute of a ready heart, an obedient life, a
worthy citizenship, to our country. Guide the
counsels of government. Strengthen the bonds
of true loyalty. Let the ideals of liberty and
peace prevail. Above all, grant that we, Thy
children by faith in Christ, find a field of service
in which we, as a salt and leaven, uphold
righteousness, order, and peace, In Jesus'
name I ask it. Amen!
(Taken from Lutheran Book of Prayer)

At the Outbreak of War

O lord God Almighty, who from Thy throne dost
behold all the nations of the earth, look down with
pity upon our country and those nations who are
now at war. I confess that, because of our sins,
we have deserved Thy chastening; and I pray
Thy forgiveness through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
I entreat Thee, O God of our salvation, make
war to cease, and give peace in our time, that
we and all Thy children everywhere may serve
Thee with a quiet mind, through Christ Jesus,
our Lord. Grant, heavenly Father, that hourly
the nation's leaders strive to bring bloodshed
to a conclusion. Hold Thy hand over women
and children. Check the hatred and cruelty
of mankind. Direct the counsels of neighbor
nations to overtures of peace. Instill in us all
a horror of war and grant us a mighty spirit
of prayer to intercede with Thee against all
bloodshed and destruction. O lord, Thou art
Master of the world, put an end to these
horrors. Bring peace to the people of the
earth, and use us to that end. I ask it for
Jesus' sake. Amen
(Taken from Lutheran Book of Prayer)


"I think that people want peace so much that
one of these days government had better
get out of their way and let them have it."
(Dwight D. Eisenhower)


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