Sunday, July 27, 2008

When is the best time to pray

We can be confident that he will listen to us whenever
we ask him for anything in line with his will. And if we
know he is listening when we make our requests,
we can be sure that he will give us what we ask for.
1 John 5:14-15

I love the Lord because he hears and answers my prayers.
Because he bends down and listens, I will pray
as long as I have breath!
Psalm 116:1-2

I love this quote from C.S. Lewis

Seize any time

And talking of sleepiness, I entirely agree with you
that no one in his senses, if he has any power of
ordering his own day, would reserve his chief prayers
for bedtime—obviously the worst possible hour for
any action which needs concentration. The trouble
is that thousands of unfortunate people can hardly
find any other. Even for us, who are the lucky ones,
it is not always easy. My own plan, when hard-pressed,
is to seize any time and place, however unsuitable,
in preference to the last waking moment. On a day
of traveling—with, perhaps, some ghastly meeting
at the end of it—I'd rather pray sitting in a crowded
train than put it off till midnight when one reaches
a hotel bedroom with aching head and dry throat
and one's mind partly in a stupor and partly in a
whirl. On other, and slightly less crowded, days
a bench in a park or a back street where one can
pace up and down will do.
C. S. Lewis in Letters to Malcolm
Quoted in The Quotable Lewis edited by Wayne
Martindale and Jerry Root (Tyndale House) p 493)


Do you really believe that God listens to you?
Do you really believe that He bends down and
listens? I believe it! That is a very important part
of my believe God listens to me. Why
would I have any faith in any kind of God that does
not listen to me. Because of my belief that my
Lord is listening to me, I pray often to God. One
thing that I do is anytime there is an accomplishment
made in my work, I thank God. Because I believe
God is listening I often ask him for help. When I am
faced with a problem I actually ask God "What
do you want me to do". And the most amazing thing is,
one way or another, He answers me. God makes
His presence known to me, my God is there for me
and always is listening. I try to never put off prayer,
I don't say God I'll talk to You later. No matter
what I'm doing or where I'm at, I'm mindful of Gods
presence. I've learned, in my Christian walk, that
the best time to talk with God IS NOW!


Lord I want to praise You and thank You for always
being there for me. You are a wonderful God. You
are compassionate, loving, and merciful, and I thank
You for loving me. Lord I don't need to prove that you
exist, because I know you exist because you are
always there for me. I just wanted to take time to
say......THANK YOU GOD........
I pray this Lord in the name
of Jesus Christ, Your Son, the Savior of the world.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Someone is There That Loves You


42.Then he said, "Jesus, remember me when you
come into your kingdom." 43. Jesus answered him,
"I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise."
(Luke 23:42,43) NIV


You know I understand what it's like to suffer for
past sins. I have done some things in my life that
I'm ashamed of and in some cases still bother me.
I have certainly not led a perfect life.
I used to let these past sins run my life. The very
way I used to be and things I did, made me
depressed, and left me with a feeling of guilt and
worthlessness. I felt lonely and very much unloved.

There are many things that happened when I opened
my heart, my spirit, my whole life to Jesus Christ.
But these two verses gave, and still give me hope.
(I have tears as I right these words) Here was a
man who believed. Who turned to this man called
Jesus, this man, who like him, was being executed
saw that this criminal, this sinner, knew that Jesus
was more than a man, and that Jesus had done
nothing to deserve this cruel death. He deserved
his punishment, but Jesus did not. And what did
this man do? He asked Christ to simply remember
him when he went to heaven. And how did Christ
respond? He told him that today he was going to
heaven with Him. The only person in the Scripture
that he promised heaven was this criminal, who was
considered the lowest of lows, this wretched man
was that very day going with Jesus to heaven.

Now I would like to tell you something that comes
from my heart. If Jesus Christ could love and forgive
and reward this man, who did so many terrible sins
....with eternal life. And He can love and forgive and
reward me, a terrible sinner.....with eternal life.
Then Jesus Christ loves and forgives you, and
rewards you with eternal life. ALL YOU HAVE TO
loves you and me no matter what we've done.
Just open your heart, your mind, your very soul
to Christ. BELIEVE

And to you brothers and sisters who already
believe, but maybe have troubles right now.
Remember these two verses and renew
yourselves in the very fact that Jesus loves you,
and forgives you and promises you eternal life.


"Lord Jesus Your word has convinced me that
You are the Son of God- the Savior of the
world. Today, as best I know how, I receive You
and renew You into my heart by faith, asking You
to forgive my sins and become my Guide through life.
I realize that an almost faith is really no faith at
all. And so I hold nothing back from You. Lord
I am persuaded. Thank You that my life has been
invaded by Your loving presence. In Jesus Name


Thursday, July 03, 2008


Dear Lord,

There is no greater feeling of liberation than to experience
this freedom from sin and death that you have provided for
me through Jesus Christ. Today my heart and my soul are
free to praise you. For this I am very thankful.

On this Independence Day I am reminded of all those
who have sacrificed for my freedom, following the example
of your Son, Jesus Christ. Let me not take my freedom, both
physical and spiritual, for granted. May I always remember
that my freedom was purchases with a very high price.
My freedom cost others their very lives.

Lord, today, bless those who have served and continue
to give their lives for my freedom. With favor and bounty
meet their needs and watch over their families.

Help me to live my life in a way that glorifies you, Lord.
Give me the strength to be a blessing in someone else's
life today, and grant me the opportunity to lead others
into the freedom that can be found in knowing Christ.
