"No longer do I call you servants, for a servant
does not know what his master is doing: but I
have called you friends." (John 15:15)
Have you ever seen this quote by Claude Mermet
"Friends are like melons; let me tell you why: To find
a good one, you must one hundred try!"
Its really hard to find a good friend isn't it?
I mean lets face it, it's and important position. To
be called a friend is very important, very important indeed.
And you just don't want anyone you can call friend.
I wonder if God identifies with that, I wonder if it's hard
for God to find good friends. I wonder if God ever feels
that way about us? When you think about it, isn't one
of the things that you strive for in your relationship with
your child, not only to be a good mother or father but also
a friend. If we feel like that with our children, How do
you think God feels about us as His children. Your God
your creator, your savior, your king, and He
is there wanting to be your friend. You know a good friend
is there for you, a good friend loves and cares for you, a
good friend will do anything for you. Wait a minute, doesn't
that describe God? GOD....IS....YOUR....FRIEND!!!!!
He is always there, why don't you give your friend a call.
Oh Lord my friend, thank you for being there for me.
You are my God and King, and You are my friend,
and I am Your friend and servant. Thank You God
that I am secure in the fact that I can always come
before you as a friend. THANK YOU GOD FOR BEING GOD!
In Jesus Name AMEN
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