Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Day Eight: November 12, 2008
69 days, 19 hours and 16 minutes
left until inauguration day.

For the President- and Vice President-Elect
to be wise and thoughtful as they exercise
their authority, firmly resisting the temptation
to abuse it
When the righteous thrive, the people rejoice;
when the wicked rule, the people groan.
—Proverbs 29:2

All-knowing God, before You all
things are laid bare and every
detail, whether large or small
is known. All praise and glory goes
to You, O mighty God, for Your
omniscience and omnipotence
before the greatest and least of
the rulers of our world.

Lord, we ask You today to help
the new President and Vice President
of our nation to be persons of impeccable
integrity. O God, make this team one
that does not use its authority for
frivolous means or mis-guided intent,
but instead recognizes and reveres
the responsibility that has been given
to them. May they see it as a divine
trust given by You. Cause them to be
wise and proper stewards of their
positions, and keep them from the
evil that could so easily ensnare
them in dishonesty. By the power
of Jesus we pray, amen.


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