Saturday, March 14, 2009



Therefore, anyone who becomes
as humble as this little child is the
greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven. Matthew 18:4

In your personal relationships, are you
childlike or childish? There is a difference.
The difference, according to the verse, is
humility. Have you ever noticed the humility
of a child. There is an innocence about it.
Children approach relationships, not to better
themselves, not to stroke their own ego's,
but just for the sheer pleasure of the relationship,
In complete humility. That's how we should be
with others, not to benefit ourselves but
to experience the joy of the relationship,
to be childlike. Our reward is to be among
the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven.


Thank you God for my relationship with
You. Because of that relationship I
experience a childlike relationship with
others. Thank you Lord for making those
relationship so precious in my life.
In Jesus Name I pray AMEN.


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