Sunday, April 19, 2009



"And she shall bring forth a Son,
and you will call His name Jesus:
For He shall save His people from
their sins. (Matthew 1:21) KJV


It happened right from the very
beginning, right from the announcement
to Mary of Jesus' birth. "for He shall save
His people from their sins". That is just
what we celebrated through Christ's death
and resurrection. That is what it's all
about, you and I and are saved from our
sins. You know what that means? We
are not bound by our sins, or mistakes,
even our lives. If you and I truly believe,
we are set free from our sins, our mistakes,
from all we did not accomplish in our lives.
Our reward for our deep seated faith, is
that we are set free forever for all eternity.
I believe and I'm free. ARE YOU?


Almighty God, thank You for Your Son
Jesus Christ who has set me free for
all eternity. Thank You that I am no longer
bound by mistakes, but am free to learn
from those mistakes and sin no morel


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