Tuesday, June 30, 2009



"And what do you benefit if you gain
the whole world but lose your own soul?
Is anything worth more than your soul?"
Mark 8:36-37, NLT


Do you no anyone who spends all their time
and energy seeking pleasure. It seems like
they spend all their time trying to gain
possessions, position, or power. Does all this
sound too familiar. Well, Jesus tells us that
all of this desire is ultimately worthless. We
have to start realizing that whatever we have
on this earth is only temporary, it cannot be
exchanged for your soul. At one point in my
life I felt that if I worked hard to get what I want,
I would have a "pleasurable" life, but in the end,
I discovered it was hollow and empty. When I
thru all of this away and let Jesus Christ into
my life, when I began pursuing God and not
the selfish pursuit of pleasure. I discovered
what it means to live abundantly and to have
eternal life as well. I can't emphasize this
enough, that whatever we have on this earth
is only temporary, and that nothing that
we possess in this world is worth our soul.
You see our soul is not temporary but eternal.


Thank You God for this:

"For I am convinced that neither death,
nor life, nor angels, nor principalities,
nor things present, nor things to come,
nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor
any other created thing, shall be able
to separate us from the love of God,
which is in Jesus Christ our Lord."
(Romans 8:38-39)

Monday, June 22, 2009


What is faith? It is the confident
assurance that what we hope for
is going to happen. It is the
evidence of things we cannot
see. God gave his approval to
people in days of old because
of their faith.
Hebrews 11:1-2 NLT

Certain of what I could not see!

I led my husband from one
room of the condominium to
the next.…"It's perfect for us.
Let's make an offer." That
evening Charles pored over
the numbers, making sure
we could afford it. "I think
we can swing it," he said.
I tingled at the thought of
moving into our very own
home. When the owners
accepted our offer, I whooped
with joy. "Thank you, Lord."

…"We don't have the money
now," Charles said soberly.
"You're right," I said. "We
don't have the money. But
God does. I'm going to ask
him for it." The sum of $10,000
came to mind. Each morning I
prayed in faith, "Lord, thank
you for the $10,000 now hidden,
to be revealed according to your will."

Was I treating God like a
vending machine? Pop in
a prayer and out slides the
answer. I remembered times
in my life when I have been
more focused on my own
agenda that on his will. But
somehow this time was
different. Our new home
had come into our lives in
such a miraculous way.
With a failed job and a
bankruptcy in our past, it
seemed we had lost our
chance to have a place of
our own. I prayed, believing,
sure of what I hoped for and
certain of what I did not see.

Two weeks before closing,
Charles flew to Kentucky to
visit his ailing parents. Charles
told Robert about the
condominium and my strange

A knowing smile spread across
Robert's face. "I think I know the
answer," he said. "Mom just
released $10,000 to each of us
from Dad's estate. I planned to
tell you about it today."
What had been hidden was
now revealed—and the timing,
God's timing, was perfect.
Karen O'Connor

Adapted from The Prayer Bible
Jean E. Syswerda, general editor,
Tyndale House Publishers (2003), p 1369.

Saturday, June 20, 2009


Holy Father,

You are the one who knows how
absolutely special fathers are.
You made them that way.

How else can a man work so
hard, give so much, and love
without your strength?

So first, Lord, thank You for
fathers, for daddies.
For big, strong men with tender
hearts, with hands that are
calloused and rough,
yet so soft and gentle when
hearts need mending.

Lord, help children to delight this
day in being with their dads,
even if it must be only by phone.

May the precious memories flow,
and bring laughter,and new love
and appreciation.

Lord, please take care of our dads.
Though they are brave and protective,
they must also be frightened
sometimes,when money runs low,
when we need things, when we're
hurt or sick.

Lord, when their hearts break
because they can't do it all,
please help us to let them know
how much we love them.

And how much You love them.

Lord, forgive the men who know
they are not good fathers,
and help them to know when and
if they can make things better,
with Your help.

And Oh, Lord, for those Dads who
keep trying and keep loving after
messing up so many times,
help their children to love them
even more in return.

Lord, for that Dad who has lost
a child, please let him know You
are there, right beside him,
for nothing else can heal a heart
so torn.

For the father who is parenting alone,
strengthen him with your love.

For those whose father is already
with You,

Give him a hug, Lord,

and tell him it's from his children.

And you, too, Lord.

Happy Father's Day!

In Jesus' name,


Friday, June 19, 2009



The LORD protects those of childlike faith;
I was facing death, and then he saved me.
Psalm 116:6


At the hospital, have you ever been to the
viewing room, a room that is set up for new
fathers to see their new babies. There is
nothing more beautiful than observing a new
father as he tenderly watches over his
newborn child. Did you know that our God
is like that new father and that He is watching
over you right now, this very minute. My
question is, "Why not turn to Him with
childlike faith and trust Him? You can you
know. You can trust our God. He is there
for you, watching over you!


Thank You God for always watching over me.
For always being there, loving me, guiding me,
protecting me, and caring for me. Thank You
for your Son, in His Holy Name I pray AMEN!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009



The LORD is just! He is my rock!
There is nothing but goodness in him!
(Psalm 92:15)


You know there are a lot people,
right now, that are going through
a lot of pain. You might be one of
them. I don't know about you, but
I'm in the midst of a difficult
situation right now in my life. If I may,
there is something that I would like
to pass along to you. I've
discovered that when I have my
doubts or fears, when I am feeling
completely surrounded with problems,
there is one thing that I must remember.
hard to explain, but I do know that if I
open my heart and I take this heartache
to God, He will fill me with His goodness.
He does that with me, and I know that He
will do that with you. I can't explain it,
I just feel His goodness. Please open your
heart to God and He will fill YOU with His


Oh Lord I'm having some real problems
right now, It's really getting to me God.
Lord You are my rock, fill me with Your
goodness, right now in my life.

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever.

Psalm 136:1 NLT

The unforgettable responsive reading

It was midnight on Thursday, February 8, A.D. 356, and Athanasius, a leader in the early Christian church and passionate defender of the deity of Jesus Christ, was leading a worship service. Suddenly loud shouts and clashing armor could be heard outside the church. Soldiers had come to arrest him.

But Athanasius said, "I didn't think it right, at such a time, to leave my people," so he continued the service. He asked a deacon to read Psalm 136 and then requested the congregation to respond with the refrain, "His faithful love endures forever," which they did twenty-six times over the din of the soldiers outside.

Just as the final verse was completed, the soldiers rushed into the church, brandishing their swords and spears and crowding forward up the nave toward Anthanasius. The people yelled for Athanasius to run, but he refused to go until he had given a benediction. Then some of his assistants gathered tightly around him, and, as he recounts it, "I passed through the crowd of people unseen and escaped, giving thanks to God that I had not betrayed my people, but had seen to their safety before I thought of my own."

Athanasius was portraying to his people God's love, which endures forever. He was willing to lay down his life for his flock—just as Jesus had laid down his life for his flock a few centuries earlier.

Since God's "faithful love endures forever," why is there ever any need to worry?

adapted from The One Year® Book of Psalms with devotionals by William J. Petersen and Randy Petersen (Tyndale) entry for November 8

Content is derived from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation and other publications of Tyndale Publishing House

Wednesday, June 10, 2009



"Your children shall be like
olive plants all around your
table." (Psalm 128:3)


After helping to raise 4 teenagers,
things I have learned:

1. Some teens follow life in a straight
line, while others zig-zag along life's
pathway. It's absolutely best to "zig"
with them in love and courage.

2. All teenagers need unconditional love
because they live in a conditional world.

3. A love of God's Word is vital to
successfully transferring faith from one
generation to the next.

4. Teens need to develop a relationship
with Christ that is based not on rules but
on a deep love of Jesus.

Here's where I need to ask a question;
Has God placed any young people in
your life. If He has, if you are privileged
enough to have a young person in your life,

Please Keep in Mind:

Parents give your children guidance and
instruction from God's Word; Then with
wisdom and compassion teach them how
to love the Lord.

Now ask yourself this question;
Do you now how to Love the Lord?

Sunday, June 07, 2009



In the beginning the Word already existed.
He was with God, and he was God. John 1:1


Did you know that Jesus is not just God in
the form of a man, Jesus was present at Creation.
What's even more important is that Christ is still
with us today. What is wonderful for us, is that
Jesus Christ is truly God, and we can place our
hope, our fears, our very lives in His eternal
presence. He will always be with us, even until
the end of time.


Thank You Almighty God for Your Son and His
eternal presence. Thank You that Jesus Christ
was there at the beginning and will be with us
always. In Jesus Name AMEN!

Saturday, June 06, 2009



"Do all things without complaining
and disputing." Philippians 2:14


Do know a complainer, even worse
are you a complainer? There is
absolutely nothing worse than being
around a griper.
There is something important that we
must remember. That the cancer
of a complaining spirit can undermine
the spiritual and emotional health of a
individual and can infect not only
yourself but your entire family and all
those who surround you. This can result in
discontent, frustration, and even
We need to avoid a complaining a spirit
especially because we are serving
Jesus Christ. Instead of complaining,
we should rejoice and thank God for
what He had done!

Something to remember:

"When things go wrong, I would not be
a grumbler;
Complaining, seeing everything as
For when I think how the Lord has
blessed me,
I cannot help but give my praise
to Him. (Hess)


Thank You for Your blessings Lord,
and forgive my complaints. In Your
Name AMEN!

Tuesday, June 02, 2009



O Sovereign LORD! You have made the
heavens and earth by your great power.
Nothing is too hard for you! Jeremiah 32:17


I think there is something we should keep in
mine. It is something that we should never
forget. It is hard times for many of use,
and we should remember, "that nothing is
impossible for God". That's right nothing
is impossible for God. Now I don't think we
need to test God, but He does want us to
have great hope in His ability to work
miracles. That's right God can perform
miracles in your life. Don't forget that!
So I have a suggestion, "PRAY BIG


Lord I know in my heart and mind
that you can work miracles, I ask You
to perform this miracle in my life today!