Sunday, July 12, 2009


"But Jesus often withdrew to the wilderness for prayer".
Luke 5:16, NLT


I remember when I was a kid there
was one event each week, that I was
not allowed to miss. That was going
to church. This was a must, with my
mother, I had no choice. It was a
Swedish Mission Church and one
thing about that church was that those
old swedes loved to pray. During prayer
meeting, I would sit next to my mother
and listen to these long, extremely long
public prayers. In my young mind I was
absolutely sure that they were reading
from scripts.
If you read the Gospels you will notice
that Jesus did the exact opposite.
Jesus often withdrew to quiet, solitary
places to pray. Jesus Christ was
constantly surrounded by people who
wanted to hear Him preach or to have
their diseases healed. He needed to
get away and pray to His Father. We
need to get away and to pray to our
father in heaven. Remember strength
comes from God, and we can only be
strengthened by spending time with him.

Let us Pray


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