"…we who are still alive and remain
on earth will be caught up in the clouds t
o meet the Lord in the air and remain
with him forever."
1 Thessalonians 4:17 NLT
Awaiting our day
"The story is told of an old missionary
couple returning to the States after
many years of thankless service in Africa.
They happened to be on the same ship to
New York as President Theodore Roosevelt,
who was returning from a big game hunt in
Africa. As the ship pulled past the Statue of
Liberty and into the dock, huge crowds were
gathered to welcome him home. The press
was out in full force, and thousands of people
had come to get a glimpse of the president.
In the middle of the chaos, the aged
missionary couple fought their way through
the crowds with their large suitcases in tow.
Silently they hailed a cab and made their
way to a cheap hotel. The missionary sat
on the bed and said to his wife, "It just
doesn't seem right. We gave our lives to
Christ to win souls for the Kingdom in
Africa, and when we arrive home there
is no one here to meet us. The president
shoots a few animals and receives a royal
His wife sat beside him on the bed and said
softly, "That's because we're not home yet, dear."
It may seem at times as if our work for Christ
is going unnoticed. Faith doesn't bring a lot
of praise on this earth. But that's only because
our trip is not yet over.
Our day will come, you can be sure. And when
it does, the ceremony will last for an eternity.
from Embracing Eternity by Tim LaHaye,
Jerry B. Jenkins and Frank M. Martin
(Tyndale) p 346
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