I don't mean to say that I have
already achieved these things
or that I have already reached
perfection. But I press on to
possess that perfection for
which Christ Jesus first
possessed me. No, dear
brothers and sisters, I have
not achieved it, but I focus
on this one thing: Forgetting
the past and looking forward to
what lies ahead, I press on to
reach the end of the race and
receive the heavenly prize for
which God, through Christ
Jesus, is calling us.
(Philippians 3:12-14) NLT
The Apostle Paul has one goal in life,
his goal is to know Christ, to be like
Christ and to be all Christ has in mind
for Him. This goal, that consumes Paul,
takes all of his energy, it even takes the
power of the Holy Spirit.
This is a helpful example for us.
We should not let anything take our eyes
off our goal, that of knowing Christ. With
absolute single mindedness just like an
athlete in training, we must lay aside
everything harmful and throw out
anything that may distract us from
being effective and loving followers
of Jesus Christ. WHAT'S HOLDING
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