TEXT: Matthew 26:3-4 - Then the chief priests
and the elders of the people assembled in the
palace of the high priest, whose name was
Caiaphas, and they plotted to arrest Jesus
in some sly way and kill Him.
Jesus had predicted many times the journey
beginning at the Mount of Transfiguration
would end with His being handed over to the
authorities. He would suffer. He would be
crucified. On the third day He would rise again.
Those who would carry out the plan were the
religious leaders of the time. Their
understanding of when the Messiah would
come and what He would do did not include
Jesus. They saw Jesus as anyone but the
Promised One.
Their hope to be able to do the arrest on the
sly was unexpectedly made possible through
the agreement with Judas. For 30 pieces of
silver he would facilitate the arrest. The
journey that had been delayed while Jesus
was in Jerusalem was suddenly put on
"fast forward."
Many have raised questions about how these
people could want to do something so
secretive and sinister. We wonder how a
disciple could betray his rabbi. We wonder
until we reflect on our own "sly" plans.
Then we humbly praise our Lord for His
journey to Calvary and the gift of His
Forgive us, Lord, for our sly plans. Amen.
from Lutheran Hour Ministries
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