Sunday, May 16, 2010


from Our Daily Bread


READ: Acts 1:1-11

While they watched, He was taken up,
and a cloud received Him out of their sight.
Acts 1:9


When the husband of my longtime friend
and publishing colleague collapsed and
later died, there was no doubt that life had
slipped away from him. There were witnesses.
The same was true when Jesus died. But
three days later, Jesus was raised from the
dead! We have no doubt that this is true
because there were witnesses who later
saw Him alive.

When we gathered for Dave’s memorial
service, we read familiar passages of Scripture
that affirm our hope that he is now enjoying
new life in heaven. But we claimed these
promises by faith because none of us
witnessed Dave go to heaven. There was,
however, a witness who saw Jesus in heaven.
Not long after witnesses saw Jesus ascend
(Acts 1:9), Stephen saw the heavens open
“and the Son of Man standing at the right
hand of God!” (7:56). One of the reasons we
know that Jesus spoke the truth about going
to prepare a place for us (John 14:2) is that
He has been seen alive in heaven.

When a loved one goes ahead of us to heaven,
we feel as if we’re being pulled in the opposite
direction—down into an abyss of sadness. Yet,
because God kept His promise to raise Christ
and take Him to heaven, we can trust Him to
do the same for all who love and follow Him. —
Julie Ackerman Link

The Lord has promised to prepare
A place in heaven above—
A home where we will always be
With Him and those we love. —Sper


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