Monday, June 28, 2010



5When Jesus reached the spot, he looked up
and said to him, "Zacchaeus, come down
immediately. I must stay at your house today."
Luke 19:5 (New International Version)


One of the greatest things about Jesus Christ
was His constant encounters with notorious
sinners as well as the most pious religious
rulers of the day. That really speaks to me.
Jesus broke through many of the culture's social,
racial, and religious barriers. He talked with tax
collectors and accepted an invitation to a party
at a tax collectors home and even made him
one the twelve disciples.
Jesus went to sinners and ate, drank, and
fellowshipped with them. He didn't condone or
participate in their lifestyle, but He reached
out to them where they were.
Christ completely ignored the prejudice of the
day. He dined with Zacchaeus, a virtual
outcast, He exonerated women who were
considered the lowest of low, and used
the love and acceptance of children to gain
entrance into eternity.
There is this one imperative truth that Christ
gave to you and me. That while being
religious won't get you into heaven, neither
will being a sinner or a social outcast keep
you out.


Saturday, June 26, 2010


An Appeal to End the Horror of Human Tafficking
Kathi Macias

The term "human trafficking" or "trafficking in persons"
(TIP) often draws raised eyebrows and skeptical
expressions—until statistics are laid out to show
that approximately 27 million people are enslaved
today, whether for the purposes of slave labor,
prostitution, or involuntary organ "donations."

The Salvation Army has made the rescue of those
enslaved around the world their number-one goal
at this time, holding seminars and conferences
to educate people and to garner support from
various individuals and organizations.

The United Nations describes TIP in this way:

"The recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring
or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use
of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of
fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a
position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving
of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a
person having control over another person, for the
purpose of exploitation. Exploitation shall include,
at a minimum, the exploitation of the prostitution
of others or other forms of sexual exploitation,
forced labor or services, slavery or practices similar
to slavery, servitude or the removal of organs."

In a nutshell, human trafficking is modern-day
slavery, and it is the fastest growing criminal industry
in the world. It is currently tied with the illegal arms
industry for the second largest criminal industry in
existence, with the drug industry being the only
one to edge it out.

Oh, I know. Most people naively believe that human
trafficking happens only in faraway countries—
Thailand or Cambodia, perhaps. True, it does occur
there at a tragic rate. But it also takes place right here
in the United States daily, to such an extent that some
states are instituting task forces to try and stop it.
Texas Attorney General Greg Abbot promises that
their new task force "will take an aggressive stand
against human traffickers, who have turned Texas
into a hub for international and domestic forced labor
and prostitution rings" (,
"News and Updates," April 5, 2010).

Another myth about human trafficking is that it only
involves adults. Millions of children around the world
are crying out in pain and terror over the heartbreaking
error of that statement. According to Wikepedia,
trafficking in children may come about as an "exploitation
of the parents' extreme poverty. Parents may sell
children to traffickers in order to pay off debts or gain
income, or they may be deceived concerning the
prospects of training and a better life for their children.
They may sell their children for labor, sex trafficking,
or illegal adoptions."

Can there be anything that grieves the Father's heart
more than the forced enslaving of people made in His
own image—by others bearing that same divine imprint?
I believe each time anyone becomes aware of such evil
and cries out against it, that cry is spurred by the Father's
own pain. If ever the Church needed to be involved in
helping to right a human wrong, it's now. Human
trafficking must stop! And each of us who names the
Name of Christ must ask the Father what He wants
us to do to help make that happen.

In my case, that includes writing about it—every chance
I get, including blogs, letters, articles, and a new
fiction-based-on-real-life series that I'm just now starting.
Will you pray for me as I research and write it? And
will you also pray and ask God what you can do to
answer His heart cry of "Let My people go"? Millions
of enslaved human beings around the world are depending
on you to respond.

Kathi Macias (;, a radio show host
and the award-winning author of more than thirty books,
has just begun writing a three-book fiction series on the
topic of human trafficking. The first book, Deliver Me from
Evil, will release from New Hope Publishing in Fall 2011.

Original publication date: June 17, 2010

Wednesday, June 23, 2010



13 That is why you need to put on God's
full armor. Then on the day of evil you will
be able to stand strong. And when you
have finished the whole fight, you will still
be standing.14 So stand strong, with the
belt of truth tied around your waist and the
protection of right living on your chest.
15 On your feet wear the Good News of
peace to help you stand strong.16 And
also use the shield of faith with which you
can stop all the burning arrows of the Evil
One.17 Accept God's salvation as your
helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit,
which is the word of God.18 Pray in the
Spirit at all times with all kinds of prayers,
asking for everything you need. To do this
you must always be ready and never give
up. Always pray for all God's people.
Ephesians 6:13-18 (New Century Version)


When I was younger I heard a great deal,
especially from my Christian friends, about the "power
of the Spirit". I began to ask the question "How
do I get this Spiritual Power?"
I began to realize that to develop real spiritual
power I need to let go of my old ways of
doing things. This was a way of life that I had
gotten extremely use too, it was a way of life that
was very much a part of me, it was me! I was a
liar, I often displayed anger, I had a terrible attitude
towards myself and those around me and I
just didn't care about people or for that matter God.

I then realized that God wanted to help me
replace this life of sin with a new and powerful
spirit filled approach that uses honesty, goodness,
calmness and peacefulness, faith in God, forgiveness
through Jesus Christ, wisdom from the scriptures,
compassion and love towards others.
When I realized this "life change", I felt within
me real spiritual power.



Breath in me, Spirit of God,
that I may think what is holy;
drive me, Spirit of God,
that I may do what is holy;
draw me Spirit of God,
that I may love what is holy;
strengthen me, Spirit of God,
that I may preserve what is holy;
guard me, Spirit of God,
that I may never lose what is holy.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


He was just a little boy,
On a week's first day.
Wandering home from Bible
school, And dawdling on the way.

He scuffed his shoes into the grass;
He even found a caterpillar. He found
a fluffy milkweed pod, And blew out
all the 'filler.'

A bird's nest in a tree overhead, So
wisely placed up so high.. Was
just another wonder, That caught
his eager eye.

A neighbor watched his zigzag
course, And hailed him from the
lawn; Asked him where he'd been
that day And what was going on.

'I've been to Bible School ,'
He said and turned a piece of sod.
He picked up a wiggly worm replying,
'I've learned a lot about God.'

'M'm, very fine way,' the neighbor said,
'for a boy to spend his time.' 'If you'll
tell me where God is, I'll give you a
brand new dime.'

Quick as a flash the answer came!
Nor were his accents faint. 'I'll give
you a dollar, Mister, If you can tell
me where God ain't.'

Saturday, June 19, 2010


God is saying, "Trust Me with your life"

You say I exaggerate the splendors of a fine
home? That the love and loyalty which gradually
take shape within a family are not worth what
they cost? Consider this incident, reported from
New York City. One afternoon an extremely
popular opera was scheduled for performance
at the Metropolitan Opera House. A famous
tenor was to sing, and every seat was sold.
But just before the curtain rose a disappointing
announcement was made. The famous tenor
had fallen ill; his role that afternoon would be
sung by an almost unknown substitute. So
the performance began, and the substitute
tenor made his entrance and sang his first
aria. Usually that solo is followed by a tumult
of applause; this time the audience sat silent.
Then something dramatic happened. A small
boy, seated in a box near the stage, rose and
addressed the singer. In a high, childish voice
audible to everyone he exclaimed, "Daddy,
you're wonderful!" Then, suddenly, everyone
was clapping furiously ... clapping and wiping
away tears. How much are family love and
loyalty worth? They are beyond price.

"My father's generosity was large, and so was
his whole soul; he was affable, eloquent, and
sweet in his conversation." Those words were
written in the year 1494 by a man named Baber,
a fifteenth century Emperor of Hindustan.

"Our father always played at being young with
his children. He was proud of us. We knew it
every day. Living at our house was nice. These
words were spoken by a man named William D.
Wilkins in the year 1956.

This was one of the most vivid of my boyhood
experiences, my first trip down into a coal mine.
My father's mine was in the process of having an
elevator cage installed so we had to descend in
a barrel. Father got in the barrel first, reached
over and lifted me in. The cable swung the barrel
out and over the center of the dark shaft, twisting
us around and around as it dangled there. All I
could see below was blackness and a tiny light
at the bottom. The engineman threw a lever. We
started to drop. In an instant the whiteblue of the
sky was gone. Father held me tight in his arms.
My heart was beating like a trip hammer. My little
world of time and space and the things I knew and
could see had suddenly been whisked away, as
though some giant hand had snatched it from
around me... but my father was there. I felt him
in the darkness . . . As the cage shot down in
the darkness, banging hard against the wet, black
walls, I could hardly catch my breath. "Don't be
afraid son," he said... the speed of the cage
diminished. A pressure came in my ears, and I
swallowed hard. A second later the black wall of
the shaft before me suddenly gave way and we
came to a stop at the bottom of the mine. Father
lifted me out of the barrel. I was as bewildered as
a boy could be; I just stood there, clung to my
father's hand, and wondered what could possibly
happen next ... It was as quiet as a mausoleum.
I could hear only the steady trickle of the mine
seepage, water dropping on the loose rock, and
father's breathing near me. Then he lit a kerosene
torch, the flame blown forward by the downcoming
current of air from the shaft behind us. He took a
better grip on my hand in the dark and told me to
follow him. Stooping low, the shale roof pressing
down on us and the walls of coal pressing in on
us in the darkness, father led the way along the
tunnel toward the yellow dots of light ... There in
the mine someone asked me if I was afraid and I
remembered saying, "Well, I'd be awfully scared
except my father is with me." I remember my
father looking at me with a grave and yet wonderful
smile and saying, "Then you will never be scared,
son, because a Greater Father than I will always
be with you."




from Our Daily Bread


We exhorted, and comforted, and charged
every one of you, as a father does his own
children. —1 Thess. 2:11


In the US, more long distance calls are
made on Mother’s Day than any other day.
But on Father’s Day, the most collect calls
are made. It seems that children still depend
on their fathers to provide, even when they
are far away from home.

Fathers are needed and wanted for much
more than financial help. While 1 Thessalonians
2:10-12 is primarily directed toward church
leaders, Paul talks about how their role is
similar to a father’s. He states: “You know
how we exhorted, and comforted, and charged
every one of you, as a father does his own children.”

Exhorted is “to call near.” It is easy for fathers
to think that all that’s required of them is to
bring home a paycheck. But children need
their close encouragement.

The word comforted is “to console.” Nothing is
more valuable to a child than the time given by
a father to listen and talk. Without constant
relating, relationships turn cold.

Charged is “to affirm.” Fathers challenge their
children by affirming the truth of God’s Word
as they live it out in front of them. And even in
failings, they affirm what is right through the
asking of forgiveness.

How thankful we can be for fathers who help
their children “walk worthy of God” (v.12).



Oh Father I am so thankful for my father/
He was a special gift from You.
Help me to shom my honor for him
by what I say and do. In the Name of the
Son of my Holy Father AMEN


Friday, June 18, 2010


from Our Daily Bread


They found the stone rolled away
from the tomb. Then they went in and
did not find the body of the Lord Jesus.
Luke 24:2-3


People tend to remember negative images
more than they do positive ones, according
to an experiment conducted at the University
of Chicago. While people claim that they want
to turn away from the barrage of bad news in
the media—reports on tragedies, diseases,
economic downturns—this study suggests that
their minds are drawn to the stories.

Catherine Hankey (1834-1911) was more
interested in the “good news.” She had a great
desire to see young women come to know Christ.
In 1866, she became very ill. As she lay in bed,
she thought about all those with whom she had
shared the story of Jesus’ redemption, and she
wished that someone would visit and comfort her
with “the old, old story.” That’s when she wrote
the poem that later became a hymn,
“Tell Me the Old, Old Story”:

Tell me the story slowly, that I may take it in—

That wonderful redemption, God’s remedy for sin.

Tell me the story often, for I forget so soon;

The early dew of morning has passed away at noon.

We never tire of hearing the story that because of
His great love God sent His one and only Son to this
earth (John 3:16). He lived a perfect life, took our sin
upon Himself when He was crucified, and 3 days later
rose again (Luke 23:44-24:3). When we receive Him
as our Savior, we are given eternal life and become
His children (John 1:12).

Tell someone the old, old story of Jesus and His love.
They need some good news.

The good news of Christ is the best news in the world.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


How do you respond to those
who seek to hurt you?

"Love your enemies! Do good
to them! Lend to them! And
don't be concerned that they
might not repay. Then your
reward from heaven will be
very great, and you will truly
be acting as children of the
Most High, for he is kind to
the unthankful and to those
who are wicked! You must
be compassionate, just as
the Father is compassionate."
Luke 6:35-36 NLT

The sign of a loving heart

"Our enemies are out to hurt
us. They want to steal from
us, cheat us, and do evil
against us. Yet Jesus says
we are to be kind to them.
What is his point? We
reflect—or should reflect—
God to the world, and God
is kind—even to the unkind,
the ungrateful, and those
whom we consider to be
"hopeless" cases. Kindness
is based on the love we have
for others, not the love others

Kindness is the sign of a
loving heart, one of the
greatest of all virtues. A kind
person is pleasant, good,
gracious—always appreciated.
There's a lot of talk these days
about "random acts of kindness.
" Maybe this is because we live
in a society starved for good
deeds. God is our model for
kindness. The kindest act ever
committed was God's sending
his own Son, Jesus, to die for
our sins so that we might live
forever in heaven. God also
showers us with kindness each
day, sending sunshine and rain,
food and friends, comfort and
encouragement, boundless
love and wisdom.

from the TouchPoint Bible
commentaries by Ron Beers
and Gilbert Beers (Tyndale)
pp 889, 1221-22

Monday, June 14, 2010



"Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing
them in the name of the Father and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to
obey everything I have commanded you."
Matthew 28:19-20

A Wisconsin man who claims to have
eaten more than 20,000 Big Mac sandwiches
wrote a book about his habit. He attracted a
lot of attention for simply consuming one Big
Mac every day from May 17, 1972 until now.
But all the time the man has devoted to his
efforts hasn't helped anyone but himself. If
he had used the passion and dedication he
spent on eating hamburgers to serve others
instead, he'd have much more to show for it
than a full stomach and a pile of old receipts.

You don't have to consume thousands of
burgers to be known. Everyone is known for
something in their lives. The question is, what
will you be known for? Will it be for what you
consume, or what you contribute?

God has a mission for you, and it's a much
better use of your time than just eating or
shopping. The mission? Spreading the Gospel
message, as the resurrected Jesus called
His disciples to do in Matthew 28:19-20: "...
Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing
them in the name of the Father and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to
obey everything I have commanded you."
This mission, which has come to be called
the Great Commission, is the greatest cause
to which you can devote yourself, because it's
the only one that will ultimately matter.


Saturday, June 12, 2010


Discovering the Heart, Mind, and Soul
of Worship
by James MacDonald


"You shall love the Lord your God with
all your heart and with all your soul
and with all your mind."
Mark 12:30


On every page of the Bible is the idea
of worshiping God - that we are created
and saved to the praise of His glory.
But so much of what passes for worship
today misses that mark. WORSHIP IS NOT
recognizing that I am for Him. I breathe
for Him. I live for Him. I spend my life
for Him. The essence of worship is
proclaiming God's rightful worth and
position. It's one of the reasons why
we come to church: to sweep the stuff
off the table of our hearts and minds
that have crowded out the central place
where He belongs.

In Mark 12:28, Jesus was asked,
"Which commandment is the most
important of all?" He answered:

"Love the Lord your God . . .
with all your mind." God wants us to
think great thoughts about Him. You'll
expand your capacity to worship God by
studying His Word. An element of testimony
is fine, but worship is singing to God about
God, and the place to begin learning about
God is in His Word.

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart
and with all your soul." When feelings are
dead, so is our worship. How would it fly if
I said to my wife, "Well, honey, this is
always the time to tell you I love you. So,
I love you. See you next week." Would you
agree that's not going to work with her?




Oh Lord, I come to sing to You and make
a joyful noise to the rock of my salvation!
I come into Your presence with thanksgiving
and make a joyful noise to You with songs
of praise! For You are my great God. . . .
I kneel before You, my Maker! You are my
God, and i am the person of Your pasture
and the lamb of Your hand. (based on Psalm 95).

Tuesday, June 08, 2010



The Parable of the Lost Sheep
1 Then all the tax collectors and
the sinners drew near to Him to
hear Him. 2 And the Pharisees and
scribes complained, saying, “This
Man receives sinners and eats with
them.” 3 So He spoke this parable
to them, saying:
4 “What man of you, having a hundred
sheep, if he loses one of them, does
not leave the ninety-nine in the
wilderness, and go after the one which
is lost until he finds it? 5 And when he
has found it, he lays it on his shoulders,
rejoicing. 6 And when he comes home,
he calls together his friends and neighbors,
saying to them, ‘Rejoice with me, for I
have found my sheep which was lost!’
7 I say to you that likewise there will
be more joy in heaven over one sinner
who repents than over ninety-nine just
persons who need no repentance.
Luke 15:1-7 (New King James Version)


One of my favorite stories is about the
boy walking on a beach. Encountering
hundreds of starfish dying under the
heat of the burning sun, he started
throwing them back into the sea. A
passerby asked, “What are you doing?”
“Saving their lives,” the boy replied.
“Forget it,” the man said. “You can’t
possibly save all these starfish.”
“Right,” replied the boy, “but it makes
a big difference to each one I do save.”

I really love what that boy was saying.
I can't help but think about when the
wave of sin overcomes us and throws
us onto the shore leaving us there to
die. God sent His Son, He gave us
His Son, to walk on the beach to
rescue all who repent, all who are
there to be rescued. And Jesus told
His listeners in Luke 15, each time
someone is rescued, heaven throws
a party. "I say to you that likewise
there will be MORE JOY IN HEAVEN
REPENTANCE" (Luke 15:7)


Tuesday, June 01, 2010



Who else protects the poor and needy
from those who want to rob them?
Psalm 35:10 NLT

As for me, I am poor and needy, but
the Lord is thinking of me right now.
Psalm 40:17 NLT

He will rescue the poor when they
cry to him; he will help the oppressed,
who have no one to defend them.
Psalm 72:12 NLT


"I'll just have to go blind"

A man was having a lot of trouble
with his eyes. His doctor examined
him and recommended the name of
another doctor he should visit, saying,
"I would advise you to go at once and
take plenty of money with you, for it's
going to cost a lot."

The man had eighty dollars in the bank,
so he got his money and went to see
the other doctor. After examining him,
the doctor said, "I never accept less than
five hundred dollars for this particular operation."

"Well, then," said the man, "I guess I'll
just have to go blind, because I have only
eighty dollars."

But the good doctor said, "There is one
other way to solve our trouble. You don't
have enough to pay the bill, and I can't
charge you as little as eighty dollars,
but there is another way open to us—
I will do the operation for nothing."
And that is just what he did.

adapted from a story by Kenneth N. Taylor,
quoted in 1001 Great Stories and Quotes by
R. Kent Hughes (Tyndale House) p 180


Father, in your wisdom you have made
us dependent on one another, and so
we pray for the starving millions in our
world. Give us true repentance for our
greed and selfishness. Empower us to
make amends as best we can. Help us
to find the ways to share so that no one
hungers at the table of life. We ask this t
hrough Christ our Lord. Amen.