"Just as you can hear the wind but can't tell
where it comes from or where it is going, so
you can't explain how people are born of the Spirit."
John 3:8 NLT
Who died on November 22, 1963?
Most people would say, "President John F. Kennedy."
Do you remember where you were when President
Kennedy died. I do.
But another great man died that day, a man that
I so much admire. His name was C. S. Lewis.
His initials stood for Clive Staples, but to his friends
he was known as "Jack." Born near Belfast, Ireland,
in 1898, he was raised as an Anglican. But at the
age of ten his world was shaken when his mother
died of cancer. Jack wanted nothing to do with a
God so cruel as to take his mother. By his early
teenage years he had become an atheist.
Jack's spiritual pilgrimage back to God began in
1926 with a conversation with a cynical friend
whose belief in the Trinity challenged Lewis'
atheistic presuppositions.
Through the influence of various philosophers
he read and conversations with his intellectual
colleagues, including J. R. R. Tolkien, he began
to realize that an absolute Spirit or God existed
and that the events of the Bible had really happened.
By 1931, he had passed from merely believing in
God to trusting in him as his Savior.
In 1941, Lewis burst on the literary scene with
The Screwtape Letters. Books then began to flow
from his pen at an amazing rate.
C. S. Lewis is considered the most influential
Christian author of the twentieth century — quite a
leap from the atheism of his youth.
adapted from the The One Year® Book of Christian
History by E. Michael and Sharon Rusten (Tyndale)
pp 654-55