Tuesday, December 07, 2010



They shall not hurt or destroy in all My holy
mountain; for the earth shall be full of the
knowledge of the LORD as the waters cover
the sea (Isaiah 11:9).


Here is something for you to remember
especially during this holiday season.

(from a devotion by Pastor Ken Klaus)

Jesus Christ-our brother and King-is here with us.
He guides us in humility and meekness and teaches
us to treat one another in the same way. He who
came to this world as a little baby shared our
humanity, our sorrows, and our disappointments.
He suffered from the cruelty and murderous hatred
of His own people. He wore a crown of thorns and
died on the cross for all the sins we committed
against our God and against one another. But now,
risen from the dead, He works to bring healing,
peace, and harmony to us and each one of our
broken relationships.


Holy Lord, tame our wild impulses, forgive our sins,
and change our rebel hearts so that we may no
longer cause any hurt or harm. We pray this in
Jesus' Name. Amen.


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