Wednesday, March 09, 2011


Read John 1:1-18. TEXT: "The light shines in the
darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it"
(John 1:5).

All of us struggle with the power of darkness in
our lives, the darkness of fear, doubt, dread
and anxiety. We see it in our health problems,
financial struggles and our strained relationships.
We see it in the darkness of our own struggles

On this Ash Wednesday the Holy Spirit calls
you to gather with His people in church where
He will shine His glorious light into the darkest
corners of our sin-filled hearts and minds. The
ashes of Ash Wednesday remind us of the death
that darkness has brought to all. But it also
reminds us our Savior took our death upon
Himself, giving us His life and forgiveness.

Light of the world, shine in my heart and bring
me peace. Amen.

(In part from
"Shining in the Darkness Ash Wednesday "
By Rev. Wayne Palmer )

Lutheran Hour Ministries


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