Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Lenten Meditation

Jesus' Witness to Pilate


Read John 18:33-38a.

(Jesus said) 'Everyone who is of the
truth listens to My voice'" (John 18:37b).

The true significance of Christ's comments
to Pilate is simply lost on Pilate. He has
other things on his mind. They are things
he thinks are far more important like saving
his career. His attention is squarely on
himself and what impact this trial will make
on his future.

But God does two things to turn Pilate's
attention to the innocent man standing
before him. First, Pilate's wife sends him a
message, "Have nothing to do with that
righteous man, for I have suffered much
because of Him today in a dream"
(Matthew 27:19). Second, God sends His
Son to speak to Pilate directly.

Jesus says, "Everyone who is of the truth
listens to My voice." This is a challenge to
Pilate: is truth important to him? Obviously,
he is taking great risks to set an innocent
man free, but does he want to hear the
truth Jesus came to bring?

Many times in our lives Jesus' still, small
voice speaks to us through the clamor and
clatter of our daily lives. Are we willing to
put it all aside to listen to the One who
offers us eternal life?

Pilate gives his famous reply, "What is
truth?" Sadly, he isn't interested in what
Jesus has to say, he just wants to end
the discussion.

Jesus offers you and me words of truth
and eternal life. But how often do we
dismiss Him and cut Him off like Pilate
did? How often are we distracted by
earthly things we think are more


Lord, thank You for speaking words
of truth to me. Forgive me for cutting
You short. Please speak, for Your
servant is now listening.

Lutheran Hour Ministries


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