Friday, July 08, 2011


God is faithful to those who love him

What can you expect when you love God?


But when the Holy Spirit controls our lives,
he will produce this kind of fruit in us: love,
joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
Galatians 5:22 NLT

Be faithful yourself

When big problems come, there is something
in all of us that wants to bail out, throw in the
towel, wave the white flag of surrender, and
retreat to someplace less stressful.

This explains why so many people under great
stress and strain walk away from God, a marriage,
a friendship, or a church. When the future looks
stormy or uncertain, it becomes easy to rationalize,
to jettison one's convictions, to go back on promises.

Before you succumb to panic and start to renege
on a commitment, you need to strongly consider
God's promise. It tells us that we have something
within us (Someone, actually) who desires for us
to be loyal and who gives us the courage and grit
to hang tough. The Holy Spirit will, if you ask him,
enable you to persevere — even in the face of
overwhelming trouble.

Praying God's Promise

God, you are always faithful to me. By the power
of your Spirit, help me to keep my commitments
in tough times. I want to be reliable and trustworthy.
I want to be wholly devoted to you, through thick
and thin. Fill me with your Spirit so that I have the
courage to stand firm.

From Praying God's Promises in Tough Times by
Len Woods (Tyndale House) pp 160-61

Content is derived from the Holy Bible, New Living
Translation and other publications of Tyndale
Publishing House


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