Tuesday, August 16, 2011


A college student spent a year living with
a group of Navajo Indians as part of his
doctoral studies program. As he did his
research, he lived with the members of a
Navajo family, sleeping in their hut, eating
their food, working with them, and living as
a 20th century Indian. The old grandmother
of the family spoke no English, and the
student knew no Navajo, but a close
friendship developed between the two.
They spent a great deal of time together.
Despite the language problems, they
shared a common understanding of love
and friendship. Over the months they
learned a few phrases from each other.

Finally, the time arrived for the student
to return to the college and write his thesis,
so the tribe held a going-away celebration.
The next day as he prepared to get into his
pickup truck and leave, the grandmother
came to tell him good-bye. With tears in her
eyes, she said, "I like me best when I'm
with you."

You are with the Lord when you are doing
His Will; following His example; living
according to His teachings; devoting
yourself to His ministry of loving service.
This is what brings genuine joy into your
life. This is what makes it possible for you
to say, "Lord Jesus, I like me best when
I'm with You." And when you are with
Jesus in this way, you may even hear
your spouse or your child or your parent
or your friend say to you, "I like me best
when I'm with you!"

(from Sermons on Line)


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