Monday, November 14, 2011


What will be your legacy?

"I will not die, but I will live to tell
what the Lord has done."
Psalm 118:17 NLT

"John Wycliffe lay dying in Lutterworth,
England. The year was 1384, and most
of his influential friends in church and
state had deserted him. Many thought
he had gone too far.

For one thing, Wycliffe had dared to
translate the Bible into English. He also
urged a separation of church and state
in order to reform the church. He
attacked the corruption and the abuses
of power that he observed — particularly
among the friars. But most of all he
preached that the Bible should be made
available in every language.

It sounded like heresy, and since Wycliffe
was now at the point of death, some felt
he should reconsider his statements. So
four friars and four senators crowded into
his bedroom. They spoke sternly to him,
reminding him of all he had advocated.
Now was the time to confess the error of
his ways.

Wycliffe was surprisingly alert. He asked
if he could be raised in his bed so he could
speak more clearly. Then he summoned
all his remaining strength to quote
Psalm 118:17, or at least part of it:
"I will not die, but I will live, and will again
declare the evil deed of the friars."

Wycliffe died, but his message and work
lived on: the English Bible available to the
common people. People die, but what they
have begun is not halted by death. The trail
they have left behind them goes on ahead
of them."

adapted from The One Year® Book of
Psalms with devotionals by William J.
Petersen and Randy Petersen (Tyndale)
entry for October 1

(from God's Daily Promises)


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