By Rev. Wayne Palmer
Read John 1:19-28.
"Make straight the way of the Lord" .
(John 1:23b)
It's easy to pass by the manger scene
without giving it any thought. All we see
is a small human baby lying in a manger.
But this Baby is the mighty God who
created all the heavens and the earth.
His mother feeds Him and changes His
diapers, but He provides food for all His
creatures and holds all the stars in place.
His foster-father Joseph guards His life,
but He commands the wind and the
As this small Baby grows to manhood
this same wonder continues. He who
formed the mountains and valleys learns
to be a carpenter in Joseph's shop. He,
who spread out the galaxies in the
universe, walks from place to place
teaching and proclaiming God's Kingdom
to all. He, who commands all the forces
of nature, surrenders Himself to be
arrested, beaten, whipped and nailed to
a cross. And it is through His bitter
suffering and death He wins our pardon,
forgiveness and peace.
Why did He do it all? Why did He set
aside His majesty, glory and power and
come to live in our world? He did it
because of His intense dedication to His
Father, who loved the world so much
He gave His only-begotten Son to save
us, and because of His own undying love
for you and for all people.
Our Savior still comes to us in the same
quiet, mysterious way today. He invites
you to His Church where you
will hear His ancient Word and learn more
about Him who gave His all for you. There
He will prepare you to celebrate His birth
with a profound joy, peace and hope.
Son of God, Your birth is a profound
mystery: God became human to live with
us. Open my mind to hear Your Word of
salvation and to believe You are God's Son,
my only Savior. Amen.
(Lutheran Hour Ministries)
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