Thursday, April 12, 2012



Mark 14:12-25


Let me ask you a question if I may? If you were with
your pastor and other church leaders and someone
said," one of you is going to betray their faith today,"
would you ask," Is it me?" I think I would be certain
I was doing the right thing and more likely ask," Who
is it, We are all faithful Christians."

So I wonder about the disciples, weren't they as
confident in their faith as I try to be? They were
apostles, after all. You would think they would have
whispered to each other." It's got to be Judas-he's
been acting funny." But their response is enlightening.
They didn't assume it was someone else. One by one
they said to him," Surely, not I?" (v. 19). Instead of
being weak in their faith, they were strong enough to ask
if they were doing something wrong.

If the disciples were willing to question themselves,
we would be wise to ask how we HOW WE CAN IMPROVE.
We need to listen with open hearts and follow the example of
Jesus Christ's followers at the Last Supper, asking,
" IS IT I ?"


Lord, show me where I need to improve.

(The Covenant Home Altar daily devotions April 2012)


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