Wednesday, June 13, 2012



"This is what the Kingdom of God is like
" Mark 4:26

The story is told of an ancient king who
presented his court jester with a beautiful wand...

"I give you this trophy," said the king, "to
symbolize your status as the greatest fool in my
kingdom. You are to keep it until you can give it
to a greater fool than yourself."

The court jester good-naturedly accepted the
award. Some time later, the king was dying and
asked to see the jester. "I want to say good-bye,
" he said. "I am going on a long journey that will
last forever." The jester then asked, "What have
you done to prepare for this great trip?" "Nothing
whatever," the king replied. "Since I don't know
exactly where I am going on this long journey,
there is nothing to be done." To which the jester
replied, "Then take this wand. You are the biggest
fool of all!"

( Sunday Sermons Online )


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