"...and He took pity on them, because they were
like sheep without a shepherd"
(Mark 6:34)
A student asked anthropologist Margaret Mead
what was the earliest sign of civilization in a given
culture. He expected the answer to be a clay pot
or perhaps a fish hook or grinding stone.
Her answer was: "A healed femur."
Mead explained that no mended bones are found
where the law of the jungle -- survival of the fittest --
reigns supreme. A healed femur shows that
someone cared. Someone had to do that injured
person's hunting and gathering until the leg healed.
The evidence of compassion is the first sign of
To feel and to express compassion is largely what
it means to be a Christian.
We fail to live up to our mandate to be a people of
I was hungry...
and you formed a humanities club
and discussed my hunger.
I was imprisoned...
and you crept quietly
to your chapel in the cellar
to pray for my release.
I was naked...
and in your mind
you debated the morality of my
I was sick...
and you knelt and thanked God
for your health.
I was homeless...
and you preached to me
of the spiritual shelter of the
love of God.
I was lonely...
and you left me alone
to pray for me.
You seem so holy;
so close to God.
But I'm still very hungry...
and lonely
and cold.
So where have your prayers gone?
What have they done?
What does it profit a man to page through his
book of prayers when the rest of the world is
crying for help? -1
(Sunday Sermons Online)
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