Friday, October 12, 2012


Psalm 63:1
[Psalm 63] A psalm of David. When he was in the Desert of Judah. You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water.
Wow what a verse! I have a question for you, "When is the last time you felt this way"? When is the last time you earnestly sought God? When is the last time you actually thirst for God? When is the last time your very being longed for God?
You know it's kind of scary to ask these questions, mainly because I'm afraid of my answers. I sometimes find myself going through life, claiming to be a follower of Christ, and never asking these questions. I'm just like everybody else I find my life getting rather tedious and sometimes rather boring. I find myself keeping my emotions in check. I have also discovered that when I find myself complacent and bored, I think that I can handle anything that comes along in my life. So I have to do admit that often times my answer to the above questions is, I can't remember the last time I seeked, thirst, longed, for God. I know that's not the way it's supposed to be but I get so complacent about things that I find myself not feeling these kinds of emotions in my head and my heart and in my spirit.
I need to get back into the game of life, I need to draw upon my emotions, I need to get back to God.
I woke up this morning and found myself earnestly seeking God, having a real thirst for God, actually longing for God. What a difference that makes in my life. It is so wonderful to feel the presence of God in my life. It really does give my life meaning. To seek, thirst, long, for God, and to find him, brings my life into focus and gives my life real meaning. I rediscovered this morning that God is with me, that God loves me, and that God cares for me. This morning, I rediscovered the meaning of life....... "GOD".
Almighty God thank you for giving my life meaning. I recognize that without you in my life my life has no meaning. O Lord you are the meaning of life and I earnestly seek, thirst, and long for you. AND I HAVE FOUND YOU! In Jesus name Amen.


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