Saturday, December 15, 2012


By Rev. Wayne Palmer

Read Luke 1:13

TEXT: "Do not be afraid Zechariah, for your prayer has
been heard. And your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son."
(Luke 1:13)

A few days ago I heard a Christmas song I hadn't heard
since I was a teenager. It reminded me of something I
had long ago forgotten-how desperately I wanted to be
married at that age. For more than 20 years I kept
praying for a wife, but that prayer went unanswered.
There were times I was convinced I would be single all
my life. Then I finished seminary and went to my first
call in Missouri. Within a month I was dating the woman
who would become my wife.

For decades Zechariah had prayed for a child. But when
no child came he eventually gave up-but not God. On
the very first day Zechariah prayed God marked that
prayer in His memory. Decades later God vividly
remembers every detail of that prayer, including the
urgency Zechariah felt when he first poured out his plea
to God. Now as the clouds of incense rise from the altar
to symbolize God's acceptance of His people's prayers,
the angel brings Zechariah the answer to the prayer he
had long ago forgotten.

Have you been raising heartfelt prayers to God for years
and years, only to find things get worse-finances,
employment, health, family strains? Does it seem God
is against you-that He just doesn't care? We learn the
truth in this angel visit. The first moment we offer a prayer
in faith to God, He in His great wisdom and care chooses
the best way to answer that prayer as well as the best
time to answer it. Sometimes, like Zechariah, we just
have to wait until God's time is right, and He has made
everything fall into place.


Heavenly Father, fill me with confidence that You mark all
my prayers, and will answer them out of Your Fatherly love
for Jesus' sake. Amen.

(Lutheran Hour Ministries)


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