Sunday, January 06, 2013



“‘Do not come any closer,’ God said. ‘Take off your
sandals, for the place where you are standing is
holy ground.’” — Exodus 3:5

Why? “For the place you are standing on is
holy ground.” Moses was about to become
the leader of the children of Israel. This was
holy work, and indeed, he was standing on
“holy ground.” God wanted to teach Moses
at the outset that in order to do His holy work,
Moses must remain extremely sensitive.

Leaders can easily fall into the trap of being
out of touch with the people. Most leaders of
nations enjoy luxuries that the general public
does not. It’s easy to become insensitive to
the needs of the common man or unsympathetic
to a poor man’s plight. God, on the other hand,
says “Don’t you dare! My people are my precious
children.” Moses was commanded to remain
as sensitive as he was at that moment until the
day that he died.

Insensitivity is a trap we all can fall into. It’s
hard to empathize with the hungry if your stomach
is always full, or to feel for the homeless when we
are enjoying the comfort and warmth of our own
homes. But, friends, we in service of the Lord are
on "holy ground." We must remain acutely
sensitive to the needs of His children and do our
best to meet them, whenever and however we can.

With prayers for shalom, peace,
Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein


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