Saturday, February 16, 2013



Read Luke 3:1-9.
TEXT: And he went into all the region around the
Jordan, proclaiming a baptism of
repentance for the forgiveness of sins (Luke 3:3).

Luke anchors John's ministry in human history by
listing the Roman emperor, the governor of Judea,
and the ruler of the northern province of Galilee
where Jesus is living. John preaches in the region
near the Jordan River. Huge crowds come out to
him, but he is aware that some are here for the
wrong reasons. Some are merely curious; others
don't recognize any sins in themselves that need
to be washed away. John boldly challenges them,
"You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee
from the wrath to come?"These strong words
challenge us to look deep within our hearts. John
has come to prepare the way for God's mighty Son.
He calls us to recognize our faults and failings and
humble ourselves before our God. This baptism is
not an empty, meaningless ceremony. It is God's
solution to the deadly poison of our sin. Through
water and the Word God washes away our sins,
delivering us from death and hell, and saving us
from His destructive wrath. On the Last Day, Jesus
will return to earth to execute God's judgment. He
will cast into the eternal fires of hell all who refuse to
accept the forgiveness and salvation He came to win
for them. Today is the day for you to escape God's
wrath and find peace and eternal salvation in Jesus
your Savior.


Almighty God, You sent John to prepare the people of
Israel for the coming of Your Son Jesus. Through the
powerful words spoken by John prepare me for Jesus'
second coming, that I may escape Your fiery wrath. I
pray this in Jesus' Name Amen

(Lutheran Hour Ministries)


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