The Resurrection of our Lord
Read Luke 24:1-12.
TEXT: On the first day of the week, at early dawn,
they went to the tomb
(see Luke 24:1).
The women don't waste a moment making their
way to the tomb. In a climate where decay rapidly
sets in on a corpse, they want to complete their
work, while they can still handle Jesus' body.
They needn't have hurried; God refused to give death
any victory over His Son's body, including any hint
of decay. Also, by the time they arrived, Jesus was
already gone.
As they reached the tomb they found the stone rolled
away. While the women are looking in, two angels
appear as young men in the prime of life, wearing
dazzling clothes. Immediately, the women are gripped
with fear.
The angels point out the folly in what these women are
doing: "Why are you looking for the living among the
dead? He is not here, but has risen!" Then they remind
the women of Jesus' predictions and the divine
necessity behind His suffering. God's divine love for
fallen humans required Jesus' suffering and death to
remove our sins. They mention three essentials: Jesus
had to be delivered into the hands of men, die by
crucifixion, and rise again in glory.
At these words the women remember, quickly returning
to report them to the 11 apostles, and the other believers
with them. Peter sets out for the tomb, stoops down to
look into it, and sees with his own eyes the linen bands,
empty and undisturbed. Even with this clear evidence of
Jesus' miraculous resurrection, Peter still isn't ready to
accept it as truth. Instead, he goes away wondering
exactly what has actually happened.
Almighty God, thank You for the joyous news of the
angels: my Lord is risen! I pray in Jesus' Name. Amen.
(Lutheran Hour Ministries)
HE IS RISEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!
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