Sojourners (Faith in Action for Social Justice)
William McCormick is a 70-year-old disabled retiree who
lives alone and gets by on $100 a month after he pays
all his bills. After recently learning that his local Meals on
Wheels chapter would have to put applicants on a waiting
list because of cuts to the program that resulted from
sequestration, he made a stunning sacrifice. He
voluntarily gave up his Meals on Wheels service.
"I just couldn't bear the thought of me having something to
eat and maybe somebody else needing it," he says.
Though confident in his decision, he misses the hot meals
and visits from delivery volunteers. He now relies on a pile
of canned food and hopes for an occasional ride to the
grocery store from his isolated apartment complex. [1]
William is just one example of the many ways vulnerable
people across the country have been hurt by the federal
budget cuts known as “sequestration.” Will you join with
other faith leaders in asking Congress to end the
economic brinksmanship and responsibly address
While the quiet sacrifices of people like William receive
little or no attention, Congress quickly responded to the
outcry from those affected by flight delays, altering the
cuts that had been made to the Federal Aviation
Administration. Our leaders listened to those with the
money to travel, but have ignored the voices of those
who are losing the assistance offered by vital programs
like Meals on Wheels.
A federal budget that prioritizes the wealthy while
ignoring the poor has the moral calculus all wrong.
Please urge Congress to prioritize our sisters and
brothers who are sacrificing and struggling to get by.
Faith leaders offer a moral voice on public policy issues
that is often missing in Washington. William’s story
reminds us that budgets are moral documents that have
real consequences. Thanks for joining with us to make
sure that as leaders in Congress fly around the country,
they don’t forget people like William.
Please go to:
In faith,
Tim, Beau, Janelle, and the rest of the Sojourners team
[1] “Meals On Wheels Sequestration Cuts Taking Effect.”
The Huffington Post.
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