Sunday, June 02, 2013


"You, O Lord, are a God full of compassion... Abundant
in mercy and truth. (Psalm 86:15)


Did you know that the word, "compassion", comes from
two Latin words meaning "to suffer with".
Unfortunately suffering is common in our lives. We are
touched every day by pictures and images of people
destroyed by war, starvation, and all kinds of abuses. I
believe that people suffer other ways: loneliness, fear,
rejection, disability, grief, poverty, discrimination, addiction,
or a multitude of other problems.

But what has always been amazing to me is that God has
compassion on us, He actually suffers with us. I am
convinced that God knows what we are going through, as He
knew what the Israelites were going through in Egypt. He
cared for the Israelites and He cares for us. God
demonstrated the greatest act of compassion in human
history. He gave us His Son on the Cross, for there Christ
suffered for us. He endured sins penalty so we would not
have to endure it ourselves.

But this is not the end of the story, for God calls us to
have compassion on others, for His sake--to suffer with them,
and to show them the one suffered for them, Jesus Christ. I
really need to repeat that because there are so many people
that don't seem to understand, they call themselves Christians,
and don't realize that God calls them, all of us. to have
compassion on others, to suffer with them, and to let them
know that Jesus Christ suffered for them. Are you listening,
please are you listening, God Calls Us To Have Compassion!
If you are a Christian and you claim you believe this, THEN DO IT!


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