"Cast your burden on the Lord and He shall
sustain you." Psalm 55:22
Sometime ago I came across this often quoted prayer:
"God grant me the serenity to accept things I cannot
change, the courage to change the things I can, and
wisdom to know the difference." This prayer expresses
an important thought: one I think we should all pray
and live.
Some things in life just cannot be changed know
matter how much we try, and of course some things
can Some things God has given to us as fixed realities
that we must accept. And some things He would have
us not accept, but, with His help, work to change.
If we fail to do both of these, to accept some things
and work to change others, we will end up suffering with
worry, undeserved guilt, and frustration.
Someone, I'm not sure who, said, "Worry is the interest
paid on trouble before it comes due." Instead, God would
have us learn to trust Him. "Cast your burden on the Lord
and He shall sustain you"
Oh Lord take all the suffering, worry, guilt and frustration
from me. Lord I give you my burden because I know
you will sustain me. AMEN
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