Monday, October 14, 2013


Recently my youngest son and I had kind of an interesting
conversation. He began asking me questions about
“conservative" "Christians". We began talking about the
term conservative and the term Christians. He gave me
some interesting insight into some of his life's experiences
with people who term themselves as conservative Christians.
All of the experiences that he talked about were negative.
I usually don't like the term conservative or liberal linked to
followers of Jesus Christ. But I must say I agree with my
son. I've seen a lot of people in the media link conservative
and liberal to the Christianity
If we are going to deal in terms here, I kind of follow the idea
of being a "Red Letter Christian". You may have noticed that
some of the older Bibles, especially in the Gospels, would
put in red letters the words of Jesus. That's kind of how I'd
like to live my life, from the words of Jesus. And if I want to
put a modern-day spin on it I believe the best way to be a
Christian is to ask "What Would Jesus Do"? You see if you
do that, as I see the term, you're not a conservative. If you
do that, as I see the term, you're not a liberal. If you do that,
as I see the term your a Christian.

So if you see a person in need and you asked the question
what would Jesus do the answer you come up with makes
you what I believe is a Christian. I think that's a typical
formula to follow. Go to any verse in the Bible that talks
about Jesus, any quote taken from Jesus you will know
what Jesus would do. He would help those in need. You
see that's not conservative and that's not liberal that's being
a Christian. Now I believe people of other faiths could ask
the same question about their beliefs and get the same kind
of answer.

Now, when it gets right down to it, all these politicians that
call themselves Christian, I don't think for 1 min. ever asked
that question, "What would Jesus do?". Now I'm not about
to say here that I'm always right about what I think Jesus
would do because if I was always right I'd be as perfect as
Jesus was, and I'm not. But my son brought up a real good
idea and it's true. You know with some things there's only
one way to interpret it.

So Mr. politician if you call yourself a Christian and you
believe that we should bomb the hell out of Syria I don't
think you're asking the question what would Jesus do.
Mr. politician if you think it's right to close the government
and not only affect veterans, but little kids in operation
Headstart, and the food stamp program, and put out over
900,000 people out of work, then I don't think you're asking
the question, "What would Jesus do?". And the sad thing
about all of this is that there are politicians who are asking
that question and coming up with the wrong answer.

Finally, I think there's something even sadder here. And
that is that there are too many people who are in position
of power, who are in positions of leadership, who call
themselves Christians, who influence many people, who
have no idea what Jesus would do. And unfortunately there
are too many people who follow these, "Christians", believe
what they say, and vote for them time and time again. I say,
before you believe in them, before you let yourself get
influenced by them, before you vote for them, asked the
question, "WHAT WOULD JESUS DO!".

Pastor Kim


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