(Day 3 of Advent)
Read Psalm 139. In the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was with God, and the Word was
God. He was in the beginning with God (John 1:1-2)
If you didn't buy all your Christmas presents on Black
Friday, you might want to start thinking about what
you're going to put under the tree. Have you ever taken
a short cut and just went out and bought the first thing
you saw? How did it feel sitting around the tree at
Christmas and watching your loved one open that
present, knowing you could have done better? Now is
the time to start thinking about those special people
God has brought into our lives, and what they mean
to us.
The same is true of the Christmas Child. To grasp the
full significance of His birth, we need to think about who
He is. John begins his account of Jesus' birth at the
exact same moment Moses began the Book of Genesis,
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."
The Word who would be conceived and born of the Virgin
Mary was right there sharing an intimate, eternal fellowship
and communion with God His Father. But before we can
jump to the false conclusion there must be two Gods, John
immediately sets us straight, "And the Word was God.
" There is only one God, but He exists in three Persons,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Long before Jesus was born a human baby and laid in
Bethlehem's manger, He already existed as the Second
Person of the Holy Trinity. No, Christmas isn't about any
ordinary child. It's about God's one and only Son becoming
one of us. What Christmas gift could be more special than
Holy Father, the Baby born at Christmas was no ordinary
child. He was Your own, eternal Son. Give me faith and
confidence to know He is with me always. In Jesus' Name.
(Lutheran Hour Ministries)
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