Saturday, March 08, 2014


Read Matthew 27:38-45.

TEXT: And those who passed by derided Him, wagging
their heads and saying, "You who would destroy the
temple and rebuild it in three days, save Yourself!"
(See Matthew 27:39-40)

The physical pain Jesus endures from crucifixion is
unimaginable and surely compounded by the scorn and
ridicule hurled at Him from all sides. Out of boundless
love for these people He left His throne in heaven and
became human. In deep compassion He takes their
place suffering the Father's wrath to forgive their sins.
He sacrifices Himself in love, but His own people heap
abuse and shame on Him.

Crowds of Jews are streaming into the city to celebrate
the Passover. They pass by the cross, shaking their
heads and expressing contempt for Him. The Jewish
religious leaders who condemned Him throw away any
trace of honor and decorum and stand opposite Him,
mocking His Name, Jesus, which means "The Lord saves.
" They exclaim, "He saved others; He cannot save
Himself." Even the two criminals lash out at Him in their
pain and misery.

As a child I used a popular rhyme to protect myself from
bullies, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but
words can never hurt me." But their words, laughter and
ridicule cut deeper than any knife. Their laughter and
ridicule twisted that knife all the more.

The more you love someone and care about them, the
more it hurts when they rise up against you. The sting is
greater when you are sacrificing yourself for someone
who mocks and ridicules you for it. That is the emotional
pain Jesus endures on the cross as He pays the ultimate
price for your sins and mine.


Jesus Christ, my Savior and Lord, You sought pardon and
forgiveness for those who nailed You to the cross and
heaped scorn and ridicule on You. Forgive our sins and fill
our hearts with faith and gratitude to You, and sincere love
for one another. Amen.

(Lenten Devotions from Lutheran Hour Ministries)


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