Saturday, June 21, 2014


Isaiah 55:6-9


I am often struck by the sense of urgency in the
Scriptures. Truly, our turning to God and living
the life God intended are presented as a matter
that needs our immediate attention. We need to
"seek the Lord while he may be found" and
"return to the Lord, that he may have mercy on us."
While we can interpret this sense of urgency as
a plea to avoid our own perishing, it seems that
the emphasis has more to do with God been with
us. God's "thoughts are not my thoughts" and
God's "ways are not my ways." The urgency of
the Scriptures is rooted in the reality that God
has something far greater in mind for us, and
each moment that we wait to embrace that
reality is time lost. God has a vision for our
flourishing, and we would be better off to seek
it in each day and in each moment.


God, help me in each day and each moment to
seek your wisdom that I may live fully this life
as you intended.  Amen

(The Covenant Home Altar Daily Devotion, Paul Corner)


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