Our nation has been shocked by the footage of football star
Ray Rice knocking his now-wife Janay out cold in an elevator.
What most people still don’t realize is that this kind of abuse
is far too common and almost never talked about.
Rather than taking the opportunity to raise awareness about
domestic and sexual violence, “Fox and Friends” chose to
mock and blame the victim. The news hosts criticized victims
by saying they were “sending a terrible message” by staying
with their abusers and joked that women should simply “take
the stairs.”
Fox News is taking time on their show to mock and criticize
victims of domestic violence. As Christians, let’s send a
message that we want to see Fox News support women,
not degrade them.
News outlets in America need to do their part to spread the
message that abuse and domestic violence are WRONG.
But when Fox News makes jokes about the abuse that
Janay Rice experienced, they are sending the opposite
message: violence against women is a great punchline.
Abuse of women is not a laughing matter. Click here to
tell Fox News to run an honest segment about violence
against women.
Scripture tells us that Jesus cared for women who were
downtrodden by society and abused by their
contemporaries. Let’s remind Fox News that Jesus’
example should compel us to show love to women
who have been abused.
In faith,
Beau, Janelle, and the rest of the Sojourners team
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