"Lights in the Darkness"
December 4, 2014
Read Romans 13:11-14
"The night is far gone; the day is at hand. So then let us cast off
the works of darkness and put on the armor of light. Romans 13:12
During this time of year the nights grow longer. That makes being
a kid riding in a car pretty tough. Though it certainly helps when
video and DVD players and iPods light up the night. I remember
as a kid when the only thing we had to brighten those long dark
night trips were the Christmas lights we'd see every once in a while.
(Of course, we always had to argue about who saw them first!)
From time to time as we make our way along God's path through
this Advent season we catch glimpses of the light of our heavenly
home.These hints come to us as a favorite hymn or song in worship.
They also come as a renewed awareness of the forgiveness,
acceptance, and peace God offers through the pastor. They
especially come as that wonderful taste of the heavenly feast when
we celebrate the Sacrament of Christ's body and blood.
These glimpses thrill our hearts and remind us of the wonderful
place waiting for us. The lit candle on the Advent wreath-and the
three that remain to be lit in the coming weeks-remind us how little
time is left to prepare for the day that is rapidly approaching. Paul
reminds us of this same fact in today's reading.
Like a beautifully lit house at Christmas time, Jesus shatters the
darkness and fills us with the warmth of His glorious light. He is
the Light of the world who came into the darkness and vanquished
it through His suffering, death, and resurrection. And each of us
who were reborn in His image in Baptism shine like stars in this
dark night of sin, giving those who do not yet know Jesus Christ a
brief glimpse of God's love through our words, attitudes, and actions.
How brightly are you shining in the crowded store aisles, in the long
checkout lines, in the jammed parking lots, and on the busy roads?
Heavenly Father, we would be Your lights, shining brightly in this
dark and selfish world. Fill us with Your Holy Spirit that we may live
as You choose, bringing the light of Christ's love to this dark world.
In Jesus' Name. Amen
(Lutheran Hour Ministries)
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