"His Terms or Ours?"
By Rev. Wayne Palmer
Read John 6:35-44, 51-66.
"After this many of His disciples turned back and no longer walked
with Him" (John 6:66).
Lenten Devotion- The crowds want Jesus to be their King so He can
provide for their daily lives. Jesus has so much more He wants to
give them. He shows this by talking about the manna God gave the
Israelites in the wilderness. Sure, the manna sustained them day by
day. However, it eventually failed them, and every one of them finally
died. Jesus wants to give something far greater than manna. He
wants to give us Himself -- the true Bread from heaven that allows a
person to eat and live forever.
That was more than the crowds were willing to accept. They were
offended when He said His flesh was that bread. Jesus knew they
were upset. Yet rather than backing off, He turned up the heat and
pushed even harder, "Truly, truly I say to you, unless you eat the
flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you.
" Many in the crowds rejected His terms, turned away and stopped
following Him.
What do you think Jesus did? Do you picture Him running after them,
calling them back? Not the King of Israel, He stands firm as the
multitudes walk away into the darkness. In time even more will
abandon Him. Soon He will hang alone on the cross in the darkness,
but He will stand firm to the end to save us.
Every human who encounters the King of kings through the Gospel
reaches this fork in the road. Repent and believe in Jesus and you
will live with Him in heaven forever. Turn away in unbelief and you will
die forever.
Holy Lord, empower me to set aside my hesitation and follow You
in faith. Amen.