Lenten Devotion
(Jesus said) "I am the Good Shepherd. I know My own and My own
know Me." ... "and I lay down My life for the sheep" (John 10:14, 15b).
Read John 10:11-39.
In today's reading Jesus identifies Himself as our Good Shepherd.
This, of course, means that we are like sheep. That automatically
says two things about us: we are helpless creatures, and we have
powerful enemies against which we are defenseless. But are the
crowds willing to admit this-that they need Jesus to be their shepherd?
Jesus tells them He will freely lay down His life to save them from their
enemies. He will lay it down on Good Friday when He is nailed to the
cross and gives up His life for the sins of the world. But He will take it
up again on the third day when He rises in glorious victory.
The crowds hear this great news, and find themselves divided yet
again! Some say He has a demon, or He is insane. But others,
thinking how Jesus healed the man born blind, ask, "Can a demon
open the eyes of the blind?"
Jesus made some very bold statements about Himself and the work
He came to do. Few are as powerful or as comforting as these words.
Jesus Christ has been pleased to take us as His very own sheep, and
will guard us, protect us, lead us to good pasture, care for us in body
and soul and finally lead us through death to life everlasting.
Jesus stretches out His hand to you today. If you are His sheep, listen
to His voice, He will protect you from all enemies and guide you safely
home to paradise. He promises that nothing can snatch you out of His
Lord Jesus, thank You for offering to hold me firmly and safely in Your
hands. Let me never wander away in unbelief. Amen.
Written by Rev. Wayne Palmer
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