Lenten Devotion
"But you have a custom that I should release one man for
you at the Passover. So do you want me to release to you
the King of the Jews?" (John 18:39).
Read John 18:38-40.
Pilate won't listen to Jesus; he is too busy trying to work
this out himself. How can he force the Jewish authorities
to accept his decision to set Jesus free? Maybe one of
the local customs might do the trick. It was implemented
to improve Roman-Jewish relations. At the Passover feast,
the Roman governors released a prisoner the Jewish
crowds requested. Normally it was a popular person who
had been imprisoned for speaking against the Roman
government. This time Pilate would offer the choice
between Jesus and the most dangerous criminal in the
prison: Barabbas.
This was a stroke of genius! Jesus offered no true threat
to public safety and clearly Barabbas was as dangerous
to the Jewish leaders as he was to the Romans. But Pilate
misjudges the Jewish leaders, who are convinced Jesus is
a much greater threat to them and to the Jewish nation
than Barabbas.
When the leaders convince the crowd to demanded
Barabbas' release and crucify Jesus, Pilate finds himself in
a far worse position than if he had simply set Jesus free
and lived with the consequences.
Whenever we shun the responsibilities God gives us-to
speak up for those who are defenseless, to bring up our
children in the fear and knowledge of God or those in any
other area of life-we are just like Pontius Pilate.
Jesus didn't step away from His responsibility but freely
took the punishment of our sins upon Himself.
Lord, thank You for paying the price for all the times I walk
away from the responsibilities You give me. Give me
courage and commitment to step forward and do what You
want me to do. Amen.
Written by Rev. Wayne Palmer
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