Thursday, July 09, 2015


Donald Trump is a real estate mogul for whom the word
"egomaniac" is an understatement. But when America’s
narcissist in chief says he also wants to become
commander in chief, the country pays attention. And
that’s what Trump wanted to have happen. Here is what
Trump said in his announcement that he is running to
add the presidency to his list of successes:

"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending
their best. ...They're bringing drugs. They're bringing
crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good

When challenged on the inaccuracy, outrageousness,
and viciousness of his remarks, "The Donald"
characteristically doubled down and claimed to be the
nation’s only truth-teller, then attacked everyone who
dared to challenge him.

Nice of Trump to assume, I thought, that some of the
11 million undocumented immigrants who live such
vulnerable lives in this country might be good people.
But obviously Trump doesn’t know any of them.

Jesus talks about immigrants when he refers to
welcoming "the stranger," and says that how we treat
them is how we treat him (Matthew 25:31-46).

(Jim Wallis)


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