Anyone who does not love does not know God, because
God is love. In this the love of God was made manifest
among us, that God sent His only Son into the world, so
that we might live through Him. In this is love, not that we
have loved God but that He loved us and sent His Son to
be the propitiation for our sins. 1 John 4:8-10
Look into the Bethlehem manger, pray in Gethsemane's
Garden, stand before the Roman cross, and go into the
empty tomb. There you will see a love so pure, so
undeserved that it is unique in all the world. Never before
and never again will the world see such care and compassion.
These places show that God is love.
Dear Lord, grant that we -- having seen and been saved by
Your love -- may reflect that love to a world, which is lonely,
lost and despairing. May they also see the Savior who is
visible proof of Your love. This I ask in the Savior's Name.
(Lutheran Hour Ministries)
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