“What I feared has come upon me;
what I dreaded has happened to me.” — Job 3:25
I once read about an interesting phenomenon. A certain
kind of bird dwells on high trees, and there is a particular
kind of snake that feeds on these birds. How does the
lowly snake catch the bird? It makes a sound, and when
the bird looks, it bares its fangs in a show of rage. The
bird gets so frightened that instead of flying away, it
freezes and falls over like a stone directly into the
snake’s mouth.
This is the danger of fear. I want to encourage us all to
rise above fear and choose faith instead. Faith is the set
of wings that can get us out of any dangerous situation.
Let us not waste our days in empty worry but instead trust
God for safety and prosperity.
With prayers for shalom, peace,
Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein
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